Massacre on Privet Drive - (Dumblecore) Hallowed EP Teaser (2011) - Taking Advantage Of Moaning Myrtle

Massacre on Privet Drive (Dumblecore) - Hallowed EP Teaser (2011)
Pais: England
Genero: Deathcore Experimental Techno

1. Introduction 
2. Pharaoh Of The Xerox Macrocosm 
3. Chased Into The Woods By Hagrid 
4. Fluffy The Three Headed Brutaliser 
5 . Gangbanged By The Malfoys 
6. The Hallowed Contagion 
7. District Of Misery (Oceano Cover) 

Massacre on Privet Drive (Dumblecore) - Taking Advantage Of Moaning Myrtle 

Massacre on Privet Drive (Dumblecore)Taking Advantage Of Moaning Myrtle 
Pais: England
Genero: Deathcore Experimental Techno

1. The Great Feast Part 1: Harry Chomps On Hermione's Salmon Pouch
2. Awaiting The Looming Nightly Rape From Uncle Dursley
3. Looks Like Harry Will Need The Rohypnol Love Potion
4. Fluffy The Three Headed Brutalizer
5. The Great Feast Part 2


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